Magnolia Springs is working hard on the new Comprehensive Plan!
The Comprehensive Plan is a citizen driven project and we need your involvement to make the Plan an accurate representation of our community!
The Town of Magnolia Springs has been awarded a $90,000 grant through ACDNR/ACAMP to complete a new Comprehensive Plan. The Town is responsible for a matching grant of $45,000 which can be paid in-kind through volunteer hours. We have until October 2024 to complete our Plan through the grant program! The South Alabama Regional Planning Commission (SARPC) is administering and leading the Comprehensive Plan project on behalf of the Town of Magnolia Springs.
Your involvement is crucial! We encourage everyone to complete surveys, attend Comprehensive Plan Town Hall Meetings and Workshops, and submit their ideas, opinions and thoughts on how the future looks for you in Magnolia Springs. Public participation is essential in developing a plan that is inclusive to the vision of the citizens in our community. The Town of Magnolia Springs is requesting your input on how you want your community to look in the next twenty years. With the rapid growth in Baldwin County, it is a duty of the Planning Commission and the community to review and update the Comprehensive Plan often, so that the Plan is ready for the changing environment. The Comprehensive Plan is the framework of the community. It describes the character and spirit of Magnolia Springs to developers and individuals who are not from here. The Plan will guide developers and business owners on the type, size and architecture Magnolia Springs prefers.
Comprehensive Plan Website
The link above will connect you to the Comprehensive Plan website developed by SARPC.
Photo Submission
The link above will open a Google Form for you to submit photos that may be selected to be used in the final copy of the Comprehensive Plan. We need you to help us make the new Magnolia Springs Comprehensive Plan the best representation of our community. We ask that you submit your photos of the Magnolia River, historical buildings, trees, events, and anything else that represents the spirit of the Magnolia Springs community!
Time Submission
The link above will open a Google Form for you to submit any time you've worked on the Comprehensive Plan. Every time you review the current Plan, talk to neighbors about the Plan, submit photos, ideas, or complete surveys, make sure to submit your time!